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Full Body Lymphatic Detox 全身淋巴排毒

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250 新加坡元
Mayo Street


Modern lifestyle, despite its advantages, has changed our diet, environment and lifestyle, and thus created many modern diseases. Unhealthy lifestyle produce acid in our body (acidosis) and if our body cannot metabolite the acid, it will led to many kinds of disease. Pain, soreness, aches and chronic diseases are the warning signs of acidosis and they can severely affect our quality of life. This shows that acidosisis the cause of all diseases and should not be ignored. 随着科技日益进步,文明虽然给人类带来许多方便,但也同时改变了人们的生活、作息、饮食与环境,而越来越多的文明病, 不知名的疲累, 逐渐影响了人们的生活品质与健康。酸痛不只是健康被侵袭的警告讯号,更深深的影响着每日的心情。从肌肉酸痛到酸性体质,甚至是慢性病。这完全是因为人体失去了把酸代谢出去的功能。由此可见‘酸’真是万病之源,是个不容忽视的问题。


  • Mayo Street

    3 Mayo Street, Singapore

    8588 0381

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